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Farmer Qin  Founder/Chief Director

One of the founders of Sanshang International, a guest lecturer at Chuanmei, and a member of the Jinpan Award. Mr. Qin has worked in Hong Kong and the Mainland for more than 17 years. The editor-in-chief of "Fast Landscape Expression Techniques" was published by Dalian Publishing House in 2007 and led by 2013. Experienced designers from Hong Kong, the Mainland and Singapore founded Sanshang International (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., and serve many top-level projects of first-line brand real estate at home and abroad. "Good at integrating landscape integration design concepts from master planning and architectural analysis. , To integrate the life philosophy of luxury hotels into high-end mansions to form a unique design style in the industry."

Mr. Qin’s professional experience includes working in Hong Kong and using internationally sound design concepts, as well as working with China Resources, Longfor, China Shipping, Greentown, Qianhai Life, Kaiyuan, COFCO, Youngor, Excellence Group, Hong Kong Sun Hung Kai, Four Seasons Hotel , Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Hilton Hotel, Hyatt Hotel and other luxury hotels cooperate with first-line developers (and also become an excellent design sub-supplier for first-line developers), and have personal design development cycle suggestions and design styles for multiple projects Positioning, landscape plan design, design report, construction cooperation, design rectification suggestions after completion, post-project summary and other real localized excellent team service experience.

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    About Shinescape

  • About Shinescape
  • As an industry-leading "integrated design service provider with creativity leading the soul", Sanshang International starts from Hong Kong, and mainly creates professional teams of landscape, architectural designers and project managers from Singapore, the mainland and Hong Kong. It has rich experience in international design and project management, is good at various master plans, landscape architecture, landscape design and project management, and has participated in the development of many famous luxury hotels, resorts, residences, businesses, cultural tourism industries and paradise environments. With branches in Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Hefei, there are more than 70 professional design colleagues. With the strategic cooperation with top ten developers and luxury hotels, starting from the "market dimension" and "spiritual dimension"; Continuous creative design and "5+3" systematic service throughout the whole process: the concept and scheme are "five dimensions and five aspects", and the system of "three reviews and one evaluation" is adopted for initial expansion and construction drawing to completely get through the front and back stages, so as to minimize the attenuation of the front and back stages of design and completely cover the creative performance and construction quality! On the basis of the company's product standardization+process standardization+boutique customization, it matches the customer's cascade product system, and adopts the method of dimension reduction and attack on the products, which has achieved good results and gained many honors! Won the excellent design institution of landscape architecture, the gold medal of cultural tourism and the gold medal of real estate region; CREDAWARD Real Estate Design Award. China Silver Award, Golden Plate Award 2016-2019 National Best Residence of the Year, Best Design Person, Best Hotel of the Year, Best Business of the Year; Real Estate Landscape Award LAIAWARD2019 Best Business Gold Award; Longhu Group Scheme Innovation Award, Excellent Sub-supplier, Five-dimensional Award, Excellent Region, etc. The company cooperates with China Resources Group, Longhu Group, China Shipping Group, Greentown Group, Qianhai Life Insurance, Kaiyuan Group, COFCO Group, Youngor Group, excellence group, Guo Group, Lushang Group, Hong Kong Sun Hung Kai, Four Seasons Hotel, Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Hilton Hotel, Hyatt Regency, Crowne Plaza and other luxury hotels and first-line developers (at the same time, it has also become an excellent design sub-supplier for first-line developers)

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  • (+86)0755-2640-1006

    3/F Room301B Tower B Wanrong Building 1029 Nanhai Road, Shen Zhen

    Zip Code:518000
    © 2020 SHINESCAPE DESIGN  5/F  Zhongnong Building,Gongye 8 Road,Shekou,Shen ZhenWeb DesignHeyou